California Dane Day's 2005 Fun Day & SGVGDR Fundraiser

In attendence were ~
Roku, Star, Phoenix, DJ, Dyami, Rooster, Talon, Kele, Gyspy-Quail,
Lass, Fortune, Molly, Journey, Frankie, Mulder, Ella, Andy, Keko,
Tyra, Pumpkin, Miles ...???

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed to SGV Great Dane Rescue
we raised $150.00 for them during this event!

Special thanks to Lynmark Dog Training Center for use of the location!
Also big thanks to all who've shared their pixs for these pages

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Lovey dovey Phoenix

Andy & Rooster - Andy


Mulder & Frankie



Star being stacked by Anita

Journey - Journey & Gypsy-Quail

Dyami - Dyami with his new dad

Rooster & Star - Rooster



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