On 04/16/05 we worked the Pet Expo at the Orange Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa
with Roku, Phoenix & Luca who were there to interact with the public.

Luca - to represent the Mantle

8yr old Roku - representative of a Harlequin

and Phoenix - representative of natural ears with a pair of Saint puppies

The Fawn & Brindle there

Roku with a scaly guy

Roku & sweet mini filly


Phoenix & Luca

Roku ~ Luca

Sniffed ya

Sniffed back

People couldn't keep their hands off either of them

In front of & in our booth

Getting ear rubs from dad ~ Roku

Roku near a tiger

Roku & a mini stallion

On the drive home

*If you took pixs of our canine kids at the Expo we'd love to see them!

Page by Sixstar Danes
Changes last made on April 17th, 2005